CAL has developed an efficient, effective training model based on workplace coaching. Everything we offer is underpinned by a coaching model that will guarantee results.
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The College for Adult Learning or CAL was established in response to demands from organisations for a professional development company who listens to what they want and works with them to achieve their goals. Furthermore, businesses want us to focus just on the specific skills and knowledge required for the business to perform at its best. So, Free insurance info they want to work in partnership with a learning organisation who takes the time to understand their business, see where the gaps are and then works on developing the skills and knowledge gaps in the organisation.
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We believe that too much time and money is currently being wasted on inefficient training programs that are primarily focused around the norm and therefore have little to no impact on most individuals who sit outside of the norm. Even the best training programs il to deliver with a group of 20 or more individuals seeking to learn it is impossible to provide optimum learning for any of them.
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CAL is passionate about Service Excellence and learning being embedded in the workplace.
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